27 September 2006


Sometimes we forget about other people around us whose going through things and maybe looking for a word of encouragement to uplift their spirits;however many times we neglect to do what's right, and instead of putting aside our needs and situations for the moment to tend to that friend,woman,man etc they are left in the same state you met them. How many of you can relate to this? How many times have you pass someone by or didn't give a word of encouragement when God's spirit was telling you to do so? We need to put aside our feelings for the moment and think of someone else, because if you were going through what their going through right now wouldn't you want someone to encourage you? tell you it's going to be ok? God is there for you and he won't put more on you than you can bear? Will you speak his word? or have you forgotten too that people need the Lord?

People need the Lord
Will you tell them about his word?
All it has done for you
Enabling your spirit to be free
From all this bondage and misery
Can't you hear them?

The Lord is whom they seek
Ready to touch the wounded,oppressed, hurting and meek
One word is all they need
Will you be the one to feed?
Or are you ashame to speak?
Don't think your too weak!
For my Spirit will show you what to say
So lives can be saved today..

Listen their crying where is the Savior?
To take away all this labor..
We can no longer bear
Jesus please draw near!

People need his touch
One their longing for very much
So healing can take place
For all is saved by his grace
Once they seek his face
Won't you tell them the truth!
Each man,woman,child and youth
Let us all say in one accord
People need the Lord!

Written 26 Sept 06

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