25 January 2007


Where do I go from here?
Why do I shed a tear?
For all I can no longer bear
Each day I’m trying to do my best
To endure each of your tests..
When my life has been such a mess
Overcoming all this stress!
Some days I’m good, others I’m bad
For my life, disappointment, and lack of love makes me sad
I try to block this pain in my chest
I try to disregard the emptiness I feel inside
Even though your spirit is always at my side
Nights, days, sometimes weeks I cry..
For past hurt, regrets, disappointments, rejections, lovelessness bestowed upon me
My God! My God I ask
Over and Over how can this be?
The agony, pain, and rejection don’t you see?
I have poured all this to thee!
Yet still my soul is held in captivity longing to be free
Why do I constantly get hurt?
Why do people I care for throw my love and heart into the dirt?
I feel like how Jesus felt
Rejected by his own!
Each day my spirit is crying a constant groan
Running to that heavenly throne
Praying to my Father in heaven will you hear my plea?
Please Jesus come rescue me!
I don’t want to feel this way
All this heaviness, turmoil, confusion and dismay
So unto you alone this I pray:
Be my peace for my mind
Be my joy all the time
Be my comforter thru the night
Give me boldness to spread your light
Give me strength when I am weak
You face only help me to seek
Be my healer for my heart
Restore me back from the start
Be a mender of my soul
Be a Father to this girl
Who don’t belong to this world..
Give me rest
Allow me to be safe in your arms
Away From all danger and harm
When the storms of life blow you will enable me to be calm!
God you alone have truly cared
So I’m asking..
Where do I go from here?

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