22 April 2007

This Is the Day

I know this is the day that the Lord has made

I know I should be glad and rejoice in it!

However, my spirit is somewhat torned between

Rejoicing and feeling down

For today is the last day my bestfriend/ spiritual Mother's presence will be around..

A journey she has to take on her own

Leaving me here to stand firm and be grown.

As the worship was in motion my body was washed with so much emotion..

I tried my hardest to not think this is our last service for awhile

The tears slowly fell but I dare not cry

Wondering yet again why?

Throughout the pastor's sermon we had to tell our neighbor words which she was next to me

I dare not turn my head for my eyes were watery for her to see

Even though I was sad I put a facade on of glee.

Here is this woman sent from God above

Stood by me and gave me her unconditional love

Now those dreadful words: " Goodbye"

Was spoken as she said she call me before she go

What day I don't really know..

So as I sped away that's when I cried

For I felt broken, torn and somewhat dead inside

Because today will be the last time I see her physically

Now I'm writing here broken emotionally

The tears keep coming with each swipe

Wow I didn't think it would have hit me so hard

This I'm speaking to you oh Lord!

What will happen now

I wonder will I be able to make it without her by my side and how?

I have your spirit yes but it was assuring to know she was here

Knowing she won't is something I will struggle to bear

Please God remove any doubt,insecurity or fear!

It's so hard saying goodbye even if it's only for a moment

Now I am able to vent

I will miss all the time we've spent

Now their only memories and all her good deeds

I wish you could stay

So my heart won't feel dismay

But soon you'll be on your way

Forever imprinted in my heart


This is the day...

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