22 September 2006


Too often we as Christians get caught up with life that we forget the calling God has bestowed upon us. We neglect his spirit's doing for us that we become contented with the here & now. As I've been in the Army for quite some time I've become delusional of life and what I know I should be doing for God, but I've neglected not to. In this poem, I'm seeking from my Father to give me new purpose in my life right now because I feel there isn't any at the moment. When God has placed a calling on your life, no matter what you do to run away from it or how much you ignore it you always find yourself staring back at it!

God what is your purpose for my life?
I pray it’s not suffering and strife
Lord what must I do?
Should I get out or should I stay true?
These days my spirit is so perplexed and blue

Six years next year it will be that I’ve been all I can be
In this army full of misery...
All I’ve given of me
Now dear God I give it all to thee
Is this your sign that you have displayed?
That it’s time for me to go my way
To do what you have ordained for me to do
A life filled with amazement all that’s new

You know the desires of my heart
As each week it’s struck by the pain of a dart!
Questioning my next move to make
This discouragement state I no longer can take!
You said you won’t give me more than I can bear
My God! My God! what I’m going through now isn’t fair!
’ve tried and tried to remain positive in front of their eyes
But this facade is killing my spirit inside!
I know what you have called me to do
Is it still your plan for me?
Or have I been running too long?
And now it no longer can be..
There’s nothing in this world that can ever replace you
This one thing I know will always be true
Despite my confusion and disillusion
That is constantly upon my face
I must continue to run this race

Show me the way I must go
Dear Lord when will I know?
In order to fulfill
What has been stagnant and still
Give me the strength
To go this length

Open my heart to my first love
Which has only been you my God, My King from above
Replace this void with peace
That I may have sweet relief
So Dear God remove all strife
Give to me new purpose in my life!

Oringinally written 4 Apr 06

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