Ephesians 4:29: For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ!
21 September 2006
Renewing your mind..
Today while I was on my way home there was this pastor (single) on the 103.9 the light talking about relationships. One particular remark that caught my attention is when he stated that young women need to be validated everyday by their fathers,men of God.By doing this there are less likely to give up their virginity which is sacred. In today's society we as females struggle with many insecurities, and if we are raised in a fatherless home then we are prone even more to be deceived by the enemy. The popular site these days myspace.com allows people to view your profile and make comments i.e your so beautiful, sexy, gorgeous and sometimes even more provocative comments are left. By this females are validated by men who don't really care for them in a godly platonic way but are after one thing only their virginity. It is possible for one to wait to marriage to have intercourse; however if you put yourself in situations that lead to temptation your only setting yourself up for failure.This is common among today's youths, everyone feels it validates who they are but in reality your only hurting yourself in the process. We make mistakes but some can be avoided if we have sound teaching and Godly instruction and someone there with us through the process. With God we can do all things even resist sexual urges even though many may disagree but it's what your feeding your mind daily. For instance if you are told all your life your no good, your stupid, your ugly, then you will program your mind to think these things. The same is true if your feeding your mind with sexual thoughts, then you will want to have sex.. The bible says in Romans 12:2 Be ye not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God. Renewing your mind is a daily process not just for today but everyday. It is our only survival of the schemes the enemy tries to throw at our way. This is imperative with our walk with God for each day we are put through certain tests, whether we pass them or fail is entirely up to us.The only way to keep your mind focus on the positive is to feed your mind with the word! Everything you need is in there, all your answers to your daily problems it's up to you whether you want to feed your mind with the world or with the word? The choice is yours...
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