20 September 2006


Can someone be in the anointing and yet not walk in the anointing? I often wonder why do your people quench your spirit? or why do they use your name to justify the things they do?
In Church a Preacher is anointed to speak your word and it doesn't come back void, but then once their no longer walking in that anointing the flesh quickly steps in to pry and alter what you have set in motion.When will your people get it Lord? I don't understand the other night your spirit fell, and many were slained,touched,restored, mended and healed, and then your spirit is yet again quenched to give an offering? Was that your will? or man's will?If it was your will why did I feel quenched in my spirit? Why was the atmosphere of such a splendor display of your power and anointing begin to dissipate?

No Father! that was man's will for there were things you still needed to do.Help us Lord to know when your spirit is completely finish instead of rushing what your plan was for that particular night. I pray for that man of God help him not to allow self to be displayed, but let your spirit have it's way.Not our will be done but thy will make it imprinted in our hearts. Allow me to understand and if I'm wrong forgive me, but Lord many times I've seen your people quench your spirit.Why are we afraid to let you take complete control? why do we hinder the things you want to do in our lives? church?

Lord have your way
This is my prayer
That we won't continue to quench you Holy Spirit come what may
Give us a heart and soul that is true
So you can move and do all you need to do

Help us to examine you word
More clearly..
As it it is written: "Quench not the Spirit of God "(1 Thessalonians 5:19)
So many wonders you could have done
However many are afraid to let you be the one!

I can only ask you for this request
That you will help us pass this test
So Father in you we will all be bless
Nevertheless we continue to vex your spirit help us!
Do what you must
So you alone we will trust...

1 comment:


That I surely will and thank you for letting God use you in my life.